Visitor Policy

You're being careful, we are too.

The health and safety of our patients our number one priority!  In order to maintain social distancing, our visitor policies have been updated to reflect the limitations that the COVID-19 pandemic has created.  Concord OB/GYN is currently restricting visitors. 

  • Birth partners, parents of patients under 18, and companions for individuals with intellectual and/or physical disabilities, may accompany you to your visit.
  • No children or other family members are permitted.
  • All patients and visitors are screened and are required to wear a mask into the office.

If you are having any of the following symptoms:

  • fever/chills
  • cough
  • sore throat
  • runny nose
  • nasal congestion
  • new shortness of breath
  • new loss of taste or smell

Please contact the main office at 978-369-7627 to discuss your symptoms with a nurse to see if a telemedicine visit is right for you.

Visitors at Emerson Hospital

  • Maternal Fetal Medicine (MFM) - Your birthing partner may accompany you to your visit.  No children or other family members are permitted.
  • Visitors are not permitted to attend non-stress tests (NST's).  Your labor support person should remain in the car.
  • Labor and delivery patients can have a designated birth partner who remains the same throughout their labor & delivery. In addition to the birth partner, a professional doula may accompany the patient for labor support.  The professional doula must be  identified to the OB provider team prior to delivery.  No other visitors, including siblings of newborn patients, are allowed.
  • Maternity patients receiving postpartum care can have their birth partner plus two visitors at a time.  No visitors are allowed between 2-4PM.  Siblings who are good health and accompanied by a adult supervisor may visit during visitation hours.  Siblings under 18 must be supervised at all times by someone other than the birthing patient.  Each sibling is considered one of the two visitors allowed at the time.
  • Only Mom & her birth partner are allowed in the special care nursery.

The below guidance only applies to support persons or guardians, including birth partners, parents/caregivers of patients under 18, attorneys of patients, and designated support persons.

  • COVID-positive support persons or guardians can visit on day six after symptom onset or a positive test if their symptoms improve and they are fever-free without fever-reducing medication. The day of symptom onset or a positive test is considered day 0.
  • Support persons or guardians who have been COVID-exposed in the last 14 days are only permitted if asymptomatic.
  • All must remain masked and in the patient's room at all times.

For more detailed information on Emerson Hospital's current visitor policies please visit>